Bourbon Real Talk Community is a facebook based discussion forum for whiskey enthusiasts world wide. There are many other facebook based forums for whiskey, but BRTC is different. Our mission goes far beyond having a place for like minded individuals to interact. We have processes in place to go a step further to truly connect people to one another. When we say people, we mean all people! We do not care if you are new or experienced, young or old, male or female, straight or otherwise, religious or otherwise, what race you are, because all differences that divide us have no power against the connective nature of whiskey! We have a culture governed by our rules that allows anyone who loves whiskey to come and speak their minds freely without fear of any negativity running the opportunity to connect. So if you have any interest in whiskey, and being connected into a community with the feeling of family who truly cares about you, then join BRTC today.
✔ Free to Join
✔ Whiskey Troll Free Environment
✔ For All Experience Levels